Category Archives: Robotics


STEAM PUNKS! has taken off and has proved to be extremely popular with 4/3 and 6/5 students. We have been programming Dash robots, Ollies and Spheros- setting up challenges and working through puzzles. Students have also been exploring Makey Makeys, becoming DJs using paper and pencils and coins. We have also been making projects using Innobits and LEGO Technics, creating lighthouses and windmills using sensors and LEDs.

Students are delving into the Digital Technologies curriculum, exploring design thinking, computational thinking and systems thinking. Through opportunities to investigate, design, communicate and work collaboratively, students are able to become innovators and future designers.

STEAM PUNKS! is on in the library every Thursday (4/3) and Friday (6/5).


Exploring robots with ICSS staff

Staff were able to explore a wide range of robots during a coding and robotics workshop presented by The Dream Factory as part of the implementation of the Ditigal Technologies curriculum.








icon_340Students in Prep C have been exploring robotics and programming through the use of Bee-Bots. These are easily programmable robots that are controlled through planning and sequencing by students. To tie in with the robots, students used the app Bee-Bot to further reinforce direction and programming concepts. Lots of fun were had by all!